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Altered dreams

Altered art by Vera Lucia Emerim. Altered books, card holders,albums, ATC, collage and other mixed media artworks.

Location: Araranguá, Brazil

Thursday, September 06, 2007

How to make a trunk envelope book for ATC/ACEO

Take 10 envelopes, measures are 4, 5” x3”. Glue them through the middle making an accordion.

Cut the front and back of the trunk on fun foam or on a flexible cardboard. Use the template shown here. Measures are 5, 5’x 8” and 3, 5’ x 5, 5.

Cut 2 pieces of hard cardboard. Measures are 3, 5’ x 5, 5.

Cut the 2 top corners of the larger piece of fun foam in a rounded shape. It will be the lid of the trunk.

Embellish the fun foam parts with stitches. They can be real stitches or made with white acrylic paint. If you are using cardboard you can embellish it with collage, decoupage, fabric or whatever your want. The results are always beautiful.

Sew a button to the smaller part of the trunk and cut a buttonhole on the front.

Glue the cardboard pieces to the fun foam parts. Now glue the accordion envelopes to the cardboards. The trunk is ready.

Embellish the trunk using beads, fibers or ribbons.

Put your ATCs inside the envelope. The trunk stands alone and it is a lovely piece of decoration full of your precious art.
You can do trunks using other measurements like the one I did to hold tags.

Let me know or see how your project worked!

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Blogger Cory said...

Beautiful and very well made. Thank you for sharing.

Cory from Arizona

1:43 PM  
Blogger Karen Owen said...

These trunks are wonderful and very clever! Thanks for sharing!


5:42 AM  
Blogger Tejae: Heart Shaped Art said...

very clever. love it!

7:34 AM  
Blogger Ivânia e Gonzalo said...

Oi Vera! Tens trabalhos realmente lindos, cheios de originalidade e tudo muito bem aproveitado! Parabéns!
Ivânia e Gonzalo

8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

found your message on collagecats~

this is the koolest!!

thanx so much for sharing your awesome talents!!


9:13 AM  
Blogger LilianPacheco said...

oi Vera,
Cheguei aqui pelo blog da Celly e amei tudo que vi !
Parabéns pelos seus trabalhos !

3:59 AM  
Blogger Scrappy Moments said...

This is Just Darling.


10:10 PM  
Blogger Andrea Guim said...

Oi, Vera!
Super legal este livro com capa! Mas... tá tudo em inglês... e eu não falo/leio nadinha... :<
Depois você poderia colocar em português também (ou espanhol...)!
Mesmo assim, pelas fotos dá pra entender o que fazer. Valeu!
Andréa Guim

3:29 AM  
Blogger veralucia said...

Oi Andrea
Eu coloquei este tutorial no meu blog em português.
Dê uma olhada lá que tem mais coisas.

6:58 AM  

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